Thursday, December 24, 2009

Has it REaLLy Been THaT Long??

Last entry June 22??? Good blogger, eh?

It has been a long road since my Daddy went to Heaven in June '08. And now my Momma... under hospice care for over 6 weeks. I pray she will "let go" …soon. Mostly for HER, but we are all here to see the end as she fights. little feisty Italian thang that she IS ;)

i tell my Beauty Queen that it's OK to go, everything is taken care of.. with her Alzheimer's/dementia and seemingly many mini strokes, she is all but incoherent. To see her, her eyes, facial expressions, body language, Italian arm gestures ;) ... well, those all help in understanding what she is trying to say. And she says some tender things, along with little things that just hafta make you laugh or smile.. I've spent many a night there, just holding her, comforting her as best I can…

SOO many things to say.. my TwinZ, Lindy.. Mom's caregiver for over a year became my dear angel-sister-friend the moment we made contact. My 'Beauty Queen' lives with her just 10 minutes away, making it easy to spend lots of time there...

My loving TwinZ takes care of ME too when I am there. She Is SOO good, so kind, loving, patient, accepting... It is NO mistake that we were brought together, a lasting miracle given by Grace through my sweet little Beauty Queen